Speaker Events Sal Khan's Fireside Chat from the SPC Archive Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, shared his founder story and approach to radically innovating in education.
Speaker Events AI Summarizes Holden Karnofsky We asked AI to give us the TLDR of Holden's recent talk with SPC. We still needed a human.
Social Impact SPC-Agency Fund Social Impact Fellowship 2 $70k grant, SPC membership, and direct mentorship for early-stage social entrepreneurs.
Speaker Events Mike Krieger's Fireside Chat from the SPC Archive Mike Krieger, co-founder and former CTO of Instagram, joined us for a conversation shortly after leaving the social media giant he helped build.
Speaker Events Dennis Woodside's Fireside Chat at SPC The President of Impossible Foods shared insights about the future of food and working in an analog industry after a long career at technology companies like Google and Dropbox.
Members The Impatient Patience of Victor Hunt SPC member Victor Hunt shared how he embraces one of our community's core principles: go slow to go fast.
Founder Fellowship SPC Founder Fellowship Cohort 4 $400k for 7%, pre-idea, for founders exploring any venture-scale opportunity.
Speaker Events Announcing the New American Frontier Speaker Series A new speakers series, open to the public, exploring the intersection between government & tech—and the industries that will shape the future.
Demo Check Out Projects From SPC Demo Faire, Impact Edition! Our Social Impact Fellows got the chance to show off how they're helping people exert more agency over their lives.
Venture Capital SPC Founder Ruchi Sanghvi on the 20VC Podcast SPC's founding member shared her journey to becoming an investor, SPC's approach to helping founders, -1 to 0, and more.
Speaker Events Operating in the Changing Startup Environment with Elad Gil & David Sacks Two legendary company builders and investors share what founders need to know to navigate a market downturn.
Speaker Events David Ebersman's Fireside Chat with South Park Commons David Ebersman, co-founder & CEO of Lyra Health, joined us for a conversation on founding a mental health startup.
Members How Serendipity Found Ryan Olf How did SPC impact the life trajectory of this physics PhD & biomedical engineer?
Community Announcing SPC NYC SPC is opening a New York City space and launching an IRL Events Series to celebrate—read on to find out more!
Speaker Events From the Archive: Chris Cox’s Fireside Chat at SPC Chris Cox, CPO of Meta, joined us for a conversation during a period when he had stepped away from Facebook and found himself in -1 to 0.
Venture Capital Li Jin’s Fireside Chat with South Park Commons Li Jin, general partner at Variant Fund, joined us for the second time to discuss her perspectives on web3, DAOs, investing, the creator economy, and more.
Demo SPC Demo Faire Spring 2022 Recap Check out the amazing projects shared at SPC Demo Faire Spring 2022!
Startups Conviction And Certainty Are Not The Same: A Case Study of Orb How one of the first teams to graduate from the SPC Founder Fellowship learned to pursue conviction instead of certainty.
SPC Fund Innovating Upstream of the Venture Industry SPC innovates in the venture space by focusing on -1 to 0.
SPC Fund Early Results from SPC Fund I Early results and learnings from SPC Fund I have us more confident than ever in the SPC model .
SPC Fund Why SPC Invested in Meesho Submitted by Bala Chandrasekaran Now that the SPC Fund has branched out into later-stage investing along with our regular early-stage motion, we thought it would be fun to publish some of our thinking on those investments. We’re excited to share this memo from fund chief of staff Bala Chandrasekaran
Startups User Value as North Star: A Case Study of Column Tax How the founders of Column Tax followed their north star through the SPC Founder Fellowship to a $5.1m seed round.
Startups How to Take on Amazon, Google, and Microsoft: Start With Community With the announcement of Render's $20M Series A, founder and early SPC member Anurag Goel reflects on how he decided to take on the big 3.