Recapping SPC NYC Demo Faire May 2024

On May 1st, 2024, in front of a packed audience of top investors and engineers, 10 teams of SPC members gave us a master class in why demos > slides. We were thrilled to officially open our new NYC community space with this celebration of SPC's builder culture.

We have one strict rule for Demo Faire: all presentations must feature live demos. The Spring 2024 presenters didn't disappoint, showing off everything from a new paradigm of multimodal content, to agents that can navigate opaque marketplaces on your behalf, to a blazing fast serverless data lakehouse, to the future of AI-powered travel—and a lot more.

Check out the Spring 2024 demos below!

Brisk Teaching

Founder and CEO Arman Jaffer opened Demo Faire with Brisk Teaching, an AI-powered Chrome extension that helps teachers automate repetitive work. Brisk aims to help teachers save 10 hours / week on average by helping them craft feedback, adapt content, and catch cheating.


Founder Fellows Priyaa Kalyanaraman and Purvanshi Mehta sent laughs echoing by transforming one of Yann Lecun’s recent talks into a variety of new media—including a very Gen-Z podcast—with Lica. They’re building a universal canvas to create and consume content in any form.


Founder Fellows Varun Khurana and Shreyas Jaganmohan showed the audience how Interviewer helps businesses screen and evaluate candidates around the globe. They’re targeting customers who hire thousands of skilled workers per year in a variety of different roles.


Off-the-record, Bauplan Co-founder and CEO Ciro Greco built and ran a full data pipeline in the time it took to spin up a single Lambda. Bauplan is building a serverless data lakehouse with fully programmable APIs and data version control to unlock the next generation of data-intensive workflows.

Tapt Health

With Tapt, Founder Fellows Ben Lubkin and Alex Zamoshchin are building a musculoskeletal data analytics platform with native AI scribing built-in. Physical therapists can focus on care rather than scribbling notes.


In no time at all, Co-founder and CEO Arthur Wu processed and visualized billions of rows from Snowflake in his next-gen internal tool platform, Dataland. He then built out a few custom actions and let loose a team of AI agents to process the team’s backlog autonomously.


Bryan Davis and Kevin Walker, revealed Centari, the modern platform for deal intelligence, which can process complex deals and surface critical data that in the past took vastly more time. From small real estate transactions to corporate acquisitions, Centari makes the dealmaking at the bedrock of the economy legible.


Founders James Cross and Charlie Stigler showed off Speaksage, the AI for leadership development. They help managers practice having hard conversations with realistic agents and deliver instant feedback.


Founder Fellows Kevin Shi and Saul Fuhrmann dove into a live demo of Breezy, a home services concierge that uses AI to find and negotiate with home service providers. Enter a world where you can put maintenance on autopilot.

CoInvent AI

Founder Fellows Archit Karandikar and Sanjeev Shenoy previewed AiRial, the AI travel experience of the future. To “oohs” and “aahs” from the crowd, they transformed TikToks into real, dynamic itineraries.

We hope you enjoyed these demos as much as we did. Stay tuned for word on our next SPC Demo Faire—and sign up for our NYC events calendar if you would like to join us for future events at our new NYC community space.

If you're in the -1 to 0 stage and interested in figuring out what to work on next in the most talent-dense technical community around, apply for SPC membership with the application below.